Page 53 - Questionable Teachings ofISLAM
P. 53
Questionable Teachings of Islam:
One Billion People Deceived
It must be noted that Muhammad was born into a pagan-worshipping tribe, the
Quraysh, whose god, "Hubal," ranked highest among 360 other deities that were
worshipped throughout the Arabian region. The pre-Islamic custom, prior to Allah being
declared the only deity, was for all tribes to make an annual pilgrimage to worship their
gods in the Ka'ba shrine in Mecca.*
Being an orphaned youth, Muhammad was raised for a short period by his grandfather
and was taught the customs of his tribe. It is believed that, as a youngster, Muhammad
had also participated in pagan worship at the Ka'ba.
As mentioned in the section titled - An "Angelic Revelation:" Birth of Islam,
Muhammad was forty years old when he proclaimed his revelation that "Allah," was the
only true god.
Muhammad’s revelations included a mixture of Jewish and Christian teachings along
with many of the rituals and traditions of his own tribe, the Quraysh, who soon turned
against him for introducing a new religion.
Convinced that he had been contacted by God through the archangel, Gabriel, (Jibreel)
Muhammad set out to cleanse the world of all pagan idolatry and to establish a one
world religion in an attempt to supersede all others. Upon gaining power, Muhammad
ordered all pagan idols within the Ka'ba to be destroyed, including Hubal, the deity of
the Quraysh, who was believed to be the "moon god." His proclamation was that this
battle would continue until belief in the god, Allah, prevailed everywhere. (Qur'an:
002.193 / 008.039)
* References:
(Website references active at the time of this writing may no longer be on line)
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