Page 2 - Questionable Teachings ofISLAM
P. 2

Questionable Teachings of Islam:

                               One Billion People Deceived

                                       Table of Contents

               Forward ............................................................................. 1

               Introduction ....................................................................... 2

               A Message To Moderate Muslims ............................................ 3

               An Overview of Islam ........................................................... 7

               Islamic Sects and Sub-Groups ............................................. 10

               A Woman's Role in Islamic Theology ..................................... 18

               An Oppressive Rule From The Start ...................................... 22

               The Islamic Prophet, Muhammad ......................................... 24

               An "Angelic Revelation:" Birth of Islam ................................. 29

               Spreading Roots of Terror ................................................... 35

               Paradise through Martyrdom ............................................... 40

               Analyzing Islamic Theology Part 1: Creation .......................... 44

               Analyzing Islamic Theology Part 2: God - Jesus - Muhammad ... 50

               Analyzing Islamic Theology Part 3: Predestination of Souls....... 64

               Analyzing Islamic Theology Part 4: Salvation by Works? .......... 69

               Analyzing Islamic Theology Part 5: Say That Again! ................ 73

               Conclusion ....................................................................... 76

               References used in compilation  of this research: ................... 78
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